ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat)
Dizziness (Vertigo)

Dizziness may be associated with many organs. Disorders that can cause dizziness can be related to brain, spinal cord, inner ear, eyes, joints and muscles.

Causes of Dizziness

Main reasons of dizziness related to areas of interest of ENT include:

  • Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Dizziness depending on position
  • Inflammation of the nerve conveying signals related to balance to the brain (Vestibular neuritis)
  • Chronic inflammation of the middle ear
  • Tumor-induced diseases in inner ear
  • Meniere's Disease (disturbance of balance of inner ear fluids)
  • That inflammatory diseases such as meningitis affect inner ear

Treatment of Dizziness

Dizziness is not a disease itself but it is a symptom of another disease so first of all the main cause should be treated. If dizziness is positional vertigo, this is treated by certain maneuvers that are applied by your doctor while he's examining you. These maneuvers ensure that certain particles in inner ear are engaged.

For other reasons, drug therapy may be required.

Hospitalization may be required in some cases of severe dizziness. Surgery is rarely performed in the case of Meniere's disease which doesn't respond to drug therapy.

Meniere's Disease

It is a disease that manifests itself in the form of attacks of dizziness caused by pressure increase in fluids responsible for balance in the inner ear. It can be seen at any age. In Meniere's disease, dizziness starts suddenly and may take 24 hours.

The main symptoms of Meniere's disease are dizziness, ear humming , hearing loss and aural fullness. These symptoms may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting .

Ear examination of patients with Meniere's disease looks normal. The most important finding of the patients during episodes of dizziness is involuntary eye movements.

Duration, frequency, severity of dizziness and accompanying symptoms provide information about the cause of the disease during diagnosis. The first test to be done after examination is a hearing test called audiometry. A method that is strongly suggestive of Meniere's disease is Glycerol test. Computed Tomography or Magnetic Resonance scans can be used to differentiate tumors or space-occupying lesions in the brain or inner ear.

Controlling dizziness attacks with medication is the first treatment method applied for Meniere's disease. Surgical treatment is applied in cases which are inconclusive with drug treatment.

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