Endoscopic Examinations

Cystoscopy: It is an examination method carried out by entering urinary bladder via external urinary tract under local or general anesthesia. Its advantage is that it allows direct observation of bladder and external urinary tract. Where necessary, it is also possible to make some limited interventions with this tool.

RGP: During cystoscopy, a thin catheter is placed in the kidneys to inject contrast, and intra-renal channels, kidney pool and internal urinary tract can be evaluated. This examination is called retrograde pyelography. It is a method by which we mostly evaluate kidneys and renal tracts which show failure or which cannot be fully evaluated by other methods.

Ureteroscopy: It is a much thinner and longer tool with respect to cystoscope. It is used to examine internal urinary tract, which is much above the bladder.

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