Narrowing of the Neck Arteries (Carotid Stenosis)

Carotid stenosis is described as narrowing or blockage of carotid artery in the neck. Carotid artery is the main vessel that supplies blood to the brain. The cause of this blockage is fats that form a plaque by accumulating on each other. This fatty substance accumulates in the inner wall of the vessel and causes vessel contraction as well as formation of blood clots that break and cause blockages in the veins of the brain.

Cutting blood flow to the brain means cutting off nutrients and oxygen to the brain, and the stroke occurs. If blood flow is not re-established, brain cells die soon and a permanent brain damage occurs. Causes

There are many risk factors related to carotid stenosis. Age, hypertension, smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity are among the major risk factors.

It often does not produce symptoms. In rare cases, transient ischemic attacks, loss of vision, weakness affecting one side of the body, numbness, and speech disorders may occur.

Anticoagulant drugs and blood thinners are prescribed in order to prevent clots from reaching a brain with a less than 50% narrowing in its carotid artery.

If narrowing is above 70%, the most effective treatment method is surgical treatment. During surgical treatment, fat plaque formed in the vein is removed.

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