Shoulder Surgery

It is concerned with congenital or acquired curvatures in the spine( scoliosis), humpback and degenerative problems(calcification-dependent) resulting from aging of the spine, humpback and fractures caused by osteoporosis, spinal injuries due to accidents, spinal infections, and spinal tumors.

In the department of spine surgery, orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons work together. Physicians specializing in physical therapy get involved in therapeutical stages of problems such as curvature of the spine, spinal fractures and injuries.


Scoliosis is the general name given to the curvature of the spine to the right or to the left. Scoliosis usually displays no symptoms in the early stage; as it advances, the following symptoms occur:

  • One shoulder higher than the other is one of the most common symptoms. One shoulder blade can be higher or more pronounced than the other.
  • When arms dangle on both sides, presence of more space between the arm and the body on one side is one of the symptoms.
  • One hip can be higher or more pronounced than the other.
  • When the patient is viewed from behind and is asked to bend forward until his spine becomes parallel to the floor, one side of his back can look higher than the other and it may look as if he has a hunch.

Although there is some evidence that shows it can be of genetic origin, it is not exactly known what causes scoliosis despite all the work done. However, several external factors that affect development of scoliosis have also been established. Namely:

  • That the child is spastic
  • Having a stroke in childhood
  • Infections during pregnancy
  • Diabetes
  • Some vitamin deficiencies

Scoliosis is a disease that threatens the future of children growing. A high rate of success in the treatment of the disease can be achieved if it is detected at an early stage. However, if curvature of the spine that can not be diagnosed in time has proceeded, this prevents normal development of children. In adulthood , waist and back pains, heart and lung function abnormalities are seen.

Although scoliosis treatment varies depending on the type and size of scoliosis, the most common treatment options include:

  • Observation: Only observation and check at regular intervals is adequate for patients with a curve below 20 degrees whose skeletal development is close to completion. Observation continues until his skeletal system development is completed.
  • Corset Treatment: The purpose of corset treatment is to try to hinder increase of the curve. Corset is especially effective on children with a curve above 25 degrees whose growth still continues.
  • Surgical Treatment: Surgery is inevitable for children with a curve of 50 degrees who still grow. Curves above 50 degrees continue to increase after growth is completed.
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