Female Urology - Urogynecology

Unintentional Urinary Incontinence
Bladder (urinary bladder) has two important functions. One is to store urine and the other is to discharge urine. Urinary incontinence occurs in the event of urine storage dysfunction. This may not always originate from the bladder. Different types of urinary incontinence are caused by clogging in last part of urinary tract, urinary tract infections, and damaged urinary retention mechanism.

Incontinence is a quite common disorder appearing especially in women during laughing, coughing and lifting heavy objects. This situation typically occurs in multiparous women or women who have difficulty in giving birth or as a result of relaxation of the muscles in the lower part of the abdomen for various reasons. Excess weight also negatively contributes to this situation.

Urinary incontinence is a symptom, rather than a disease. Although it isn't usually associated with a dangerous condition, it adversely affects a person's life.

Its causes are identified and first exercises or drug therapy is/are applied. Nowadays, there are quite effective drugs against this problem. Dose and duration of drug treatment varies from patient to patient. However, stress-related urinary incontinence does not respond to drug therapy.

Overactive Bladder
It is a condition that significantly disrupts the quality of life. Individuals go to the toilet so frequently that their daily lives are affected and in advanced cases, incontinence occurs as a result of sudden need to urinate. Research has reported that 60% of women between ages of 20 and 70 may suffer from this condition in a certain period of their lives or permanently.

Pelvic organ prolapses
Bladder, uterus, rectum and bowel prolapses can create serious problems both anatomically and in everyday life. This condition can be treated nonsurgically in the early stages by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles as well as exercise and biofeedback therapy, while it is also possible to save women from this problem by extremely simple surgical interventions in advanced stages of the condition.

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