Electrophysiology Study

Electrophysiology study is a diagnostic as well as a treatment method.

Electrophysiology study is an invasive method in which fine wires, called electrode catheters, are passed through fine sheaths placed in groin or neck vessels, and then placed in the heart. Electrical signals directly received from inside the heart are evaluated with advanced computers and any deviations from normal are determined. Rapid heart beat, which is mostly the cause of complaints in patients with rapid heart beat, palpitations, is created by impulses given by these wires placed inside the heart by special techniques, and their causes are investigated. When presence of short circuits is detected, tachycardia can be completely treated by applying a special current point energy consisting of radio waves.

In this way, today, it has become possible to permanently heal most palpitations in the form of rapid heart beat (tachycardia).

Electrophysiology studies performed for diagnostic purposes takes 30-60 minutes. If a therapeutic intervention is necessary, it can take up to 1-4 hours.

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