Stomach Stapling (Vertical Banded Gastroplasty)

The essence of the operation is to apply a silicone staple on the upper part of the stomach, just below the oesophagus.

This operation is a gastric volume limiting operation. The essence of losing weight is the intake of a limited amount of food with reduced gastric volume.

The most important characteristic of the band is that it is inflatable by filling its internal pouch with liquid. Thus, the wideness ensuring the connection between the small upper stomach and the stomach below. If the individual keeps on overeating, the staple can be adapted to reduce food intake, thus, to increase weight loss.

This can be attained through a reservoir at the end of the connecting tube. This reservoir is placed on the subcutaneous muscle layer. Thus, after the operation it is possible to insert liquids thanks to a needle/injector to fill the internal volume of the band to tighten the passage from the upper stomach to the lower stomach.

The most important point to consider on patients wishing to have a vertical band applied is the individual’s eating habits. The rate of weight loss on individuals who have the habit of eating low-volume, high-calorie food is relatively low.

The most important advantage of this operation is that it can be made laparoscopically and short duration of hospitalization. However, patients need time after the operation, to start consuming solid food again. And sustaining the former eating habits is no longer possible.



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