Large intestine, which we call colon, is the section coming after small intestine of digestive system, which is approximately 2 meters long. Incidence of colon cancer is equal in men and women and its incidence is in 3rd place among all cancers. Exact cause of colon cancer is unknown but there are some environmental and genetic factors affecting its development. Nutrition has an important place in colon cancer; consumption of animal fat was found to be effective through research studies.
In the initial stages of colon cancer , feeling of fullness in the abdomen, mild pain, loss of appetite , weight loss , fatigue , and diarrhea or constipation occur. These symptoms are not specific to just the colon cancer , but when these symptoms occur, they need to be checked . In further stages, first constipation begins and it is followed by attacks of pain. Then, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight become significant. Anemia occurs. If the bowel is completely closed due to the cancer, the patient's condition gets severe and passage of toxic substances into the blood starts.
Treatment of colon cancer is surgery. The part with tumor is removed by surgical methods. Then, upper and lower sides of the part of bowel which has been removed are bonded to each other. Radiation therapy is not used in colon cancer. But chemotherapy (drug treatment) can be applied to patients after surgery.