It is described as lesions greater than 0.5 cm developing in the stomach and duodenum. It causes symptoms including abdominal pain, pain in stomach region, heartburn, abdominal fullness, and nausea-vomiting.
The most reliable method for its diagnosis is gastroscopy.
The majority of ulcers are attributable to Helicobacter microbes. Presence of this bacteria can be demonstrated by a test conducted using a small tissue sample(biopsy) taken from the stomach during gastroscopy.
Most ulcers may heal spontaneously even if it hasn't been treated, but it is most likely to recur in 1-2 years . It becomes difficult to heal ulcer and its risks increase, as recurrences continue.
Ulcer Treatment
The aim of ulcer treatment is to ensure closure of active ulcer and prevent new ulcers.
The first thing to do to ensure closure of ulcer is to create an appropriate dietary regime. This dietary regime is based on eating in small portions at short intervals and avoiding eating foods that stimulate gastric secretion.
During medication treatment, effects of vagus nerve running the stomach and gastric acid are reduced. Moreover, lesions are also treated by antibiotics.