Bladder Cancer

Bladder is our organ that allows urine to accumulate and ejaculate, and the uncontrolled proliferation of the cells forming the bladder is also called bladder cancer. It usually occurs frequently between the ages of 50 and 70 and is 3 times more common in men than in women. This disease is more common in smokers and workers in the paint, chemical and tire industries. It is mostly manifested through the appearance of blood in the urine. However, urinary stay is not only a symptom of bladder cancer.

The definitive treatment plan for bladder cancer is based on the depth of spread of bladder cancer and the degree of aggression of cancerous cells.

When it is detected in bladder cancer, the first basic procedure to be performed is to endoscopically scrape the tumoral mass in the operating room conditions in the most possible way as a result of pathological examination of the parts on the forehead after this surgery, the definitive diagnosis of bladder cancer and how far it has progressed will be determined.

Treatment of superficial bladder cancer with low aggression is based on cleaning the bladder from cancerous tissue with Tour-Bladder tumour operation and washing the inside of the bladder with immunological or chemotherapeutic drugs to reduce recurrence rates.

In bladder cancers spread to the highly aggressive muscle layer, the method of inserting the new bag made from the intestine in place of the old bladder is often used to completely remove the bladder and accumulate urine.

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